Well... dunno how but I'm pretty sure my PC got infected by something nasty. An AV tool is running but Windows says it's not. As the windows defender wants to run - so he did - but told me afterwards he didn't run at all. PC slowdowns, strange HDD activities, internet slow... guess I'm used as bot or something right now.
Anyway. No time or interest for further analyses. A good chance to reseup my PC and test Windows 8.1. This does also mean that I have to re-setup my RaspBeery Pi (Since I need the USB Stick which my RaspBMC is running on)
So I thougt I'd put up a little tutorial on how to backup a RaspBeery Pi sdcard / USB Stick to an image an the HDD. This should work for and SdCard / USB device containing any kinda RaspBian, RaspBMC, etc... destribution.
Check it out HERE
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